Serving Multicultural Clients
About This Episode
Diversity among financial planners improved in 2021, but the profession still has work to do to ensure all investors have the tools and resources they need to achieve successful financial outcomes for their clients. In this episode, James Seth Thompson will discuss his role in promoting financial literacy and expanding opportunities for diverse investors through his recruitment efforts at Bernstein.
About Our Guest
James Seth Thompson is a senior vice president and head of diverse markets strategy at Bernstein Private Wealth Management. In his role, James empowers multicultural investors to change the trajectory of their wealth, impact and influence and encourages a fresh perspective on equity, advocacy, responsibility and investing. His equitable approach to addressing the unique needs of multicultural investors informs deep discovery with clients to truly define their goals and desired legacy. Access, exposure, experience and education matter, and these levers influence how James helps clients create systemic wealth and close the gap between opportunities and outcomes.
Show Notes
For more information, please visit Bernstein’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion pagehere. James is also the host of Bernstein’s “Changing the Trajectory” podcast, where he holds discussions on generational planning and legacy building for multicultural investors.