Tweedy, Browne Company
The Historical Tug of War Between Growth and Value

by Team of Tweedy, Browne Company,
We thought this graph might be of interest to you. It highlights the historic changes of leadership between growth and value stocks held in the MSCI World Index.
4th Quarter 2017
“Animal spirits” were once again at large in global equity markets during the fourth quarter of 2017 as economic growth perked up in many parts of the globe and equity market returns followed in kind.
Comments Regarding Recent Market Volatility
by Team of Tweedy, Browne Company,
Uncertainty, in our opinion, is one of the most difficult factors for professional as well as individual,investors to deal with, and it is dominating the markets currently. Uncertain markets are characterized by increased volatility and correlation between asset classes, as well as increasingly shorter time frames for investment decisions. None of this, in our opinion, will improve the probabilities of earning a satisfactory return over a reasonable period of time. Rather, we think that in most instances, these will improve the odds of the opposite outcome.
Tweedy Browne: Cautious in the Short Term, Optimistic in the Long Term
by Team of Tweedy, Browne Company,
Robert Huebscher recaps a recent webinar by investment firm Tweedy Browne. The company's four managing partners explained their focus on downside risk, expressed a preference for high-quality dividend-payer stocks and
noted their emphasis on developed markets rather than emerging markets. The partners said they were optimistic about recovery in the long term, but cautious about the short term.