
The Liquidity Mismatch in Client Portfolios: Investing for Retirement

Daily liquidity is important if your clients are day traders or need to quickly cash in their entire investment portfolio. Most of your clients, however, do not need 100% liquidity in many areas of their portfolio, especially the portion earmarked for retirement. This webinar will outline:

  • Why there is currently a liquidity mismatch between conventional portfolio construction and individual investors’ goals for the future.
  • How investors who are saving for retirement or college should have investment portfolios that reflect these long-term interests.
  • The ways these investors often sacrifice additional returns in exchange for full and immediate liquidity.

The liquidity mismatch is found anywhere in a portfolio that is 100% liquid but earmarked for long-term objectives; this is most stark when it comes to retirement savings. A more sensible approach involves aligning long-term retirement goals with a thoughtful allocation to illiquid investments and their corresponding return opportunities.

White Paper

INVEST LIKE THE PROS: Using Liquidity Premiums to Drive Better Portfolio Outcomes

At a time of low expected returns, low current yields and economic uncertainty, individual investors are demanding new options. Recent advances in product design enable investors to access less liquid and illiquid institutional-caliber alternatives in a “user-friendly” format which preserves the integrity of the underlying strategy. These new product designs contrast mutual funds which may contain watered-down liquid versions of the original.

New thinking about liquidity, its role in a portfolio and improved access to a wide spectrum of alternatives enables investors to deploy less liquid strategies and capitalize on liquidity premiums.


Income Investing for a Rising Rate Environment

Advisors face two problems in today’s market: how to find yield in a low interest rate environment and how to protect against rising rates. Join experts from XA Investments and Octagon Credit Investors and learn ways to position clients’ portfolios to take advantage of rising rates. We’ll discuss the benefits of floating-rate loans and collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) and how best to access them.

Participants will learn about:

  • Rising Rates and Floating-Rate Credit—Floating-rate credit will fare better than traditional fixed income when interest rates rise.
  • Accessing Institutional Alternative Credit Strategies—Learn what to look for in these alternative investment opportunities and the importance of an experienced manager.
  • CLO Debt and Equity Investments—See the portfolio benefits of CLOs by understanding their historical performance, current yields and correlations to traditional asset classes.