MFS Investment Management

Artificial Intelligence: The Next Technological Tectonic Shift?

In this podcast, equity portfolio manager Brad Mak and Rob Almeida, global investment strategist, discuss how the commercial application of artificial intelligence may affect - enhance, be neutral to, or detract from - companies over the next three to five years.
Preparing for the New Paradigm Facing Investors

Kim Hyland, Head of Global Institutional Relationship Management, joins Global Investment Strategist Rob Almeida to discuss the four main challenges facing clients and, as investors, how we think about some of those challenges.
Local Currency EMD: Uncovering a New Opportunity Set

Emerging market debt portfolio manager Ward Brown joins Rob for this podcast to dig into the uniqueness of local emerging markets debt investing, the trajectory of EM economies and business cycles, and potential opportunities going forward.
A Mid-Year Conversation on the Economy

In this special mid-year podcast, Rob is joined by MFS Chief Economist Erik Weisman to discuss all things around the economy, including the rate of inflation, probability of recession, and other trends that may affect the financial markets and assets.
Time for Active Management to Shine in Uncertain Markets?

See why we believe that market uncertainty may create opportunities for active managers to identify companies that can weather a slowdown.