
Has Europe Finally Broken Its Vicious Cycle?

Tim Stevenson, Director of European Equities at Henderson Global Investors, says Europe finally seems to have broken free of the economic uncertainty that has plagued it for a decade and discusses the impact of irrational news on investor sentiment, and whether or not the market rotation we saw in the second half of 2016 is now fully ‘priced in’.


Multi-Asset Outlook 2017: More Growth, More Inflation, More Politics

Paul O’Connor, Head of Multi-Asset, reviews 2016’s lessons, and details the key themes that investors should prepare for in 2017. He explains which areas of the market look most and least appealing from a cross-asset perspective.


2017: Supportive Backdrop for Global Equities

Matthew Beesley, Head of Global Equities, believes that the impact of technology and an ageing population are likely to be the key themes shaping global equity markets in 2017, while the incoming US President’s planned shift to fiscal stimulus should be supportive for global equities.


Strategic Fixed Income Outlook 2017

John Pattullo, Co-Head of Strategic Fixed Income at Henderson Global Investors, discusses how the markets were affected by major political events in 2016 and the lessons learned.


Henderson's US Growth Opportunities Fund Celebrates Its 1-Year Anniversary

In this latest video update, Michelle Picard, CFA, Portfolio Manager, recaps the US Growth Opportunities Fund’s one-year track record and provides an update on the Fund’s current positioning. Picard comments on the Fund’s top quartile performance and ranking in the 15th percentile* in the Morningstar Large Growth category. She explains why she feels the Fund is well positioned in an environment of rising US interest rates and slower global growth.

Henderson Multi-Asset Team 2016 Outlook: Growth Set to Drive Asset Returns

In this video, Paul O’Connor and Bill McQuaker, Co-Heads of Multi-Asset, review the key developments in markets during 2015 and give their in-depth outlook for 2016. They argue that the era of monetary policy-driven markets has come to an end and explain what this means for returns across the asset spectrum. They note that a key factor to watch in 2016 will be the pace of US monetary policy tightening. Further they comment that while a number of risks remain there are opportunities to be found.

Global Equity Income: 2016 Outlook

In this latest video update, Alex Crooke, Head of Global Equity Income discusses the challenges 2015 brought to investors. Crooke notes that many of the same issues will remain in 2016, however, he believes the clouds will clear for the second half of 2016.

Fixed income in 2016 — late cycle reality and an increase in opportunities

In this latest video update, John Pattullo, Co-Head of Retail Fixed Income, provides an assessment of the key lessons learned so far in 2015 and his outlook for the credit markets in 2016. He believes 2016 is likely to be shaped by two dominant investment themes: a continuing focus on where we are in the credit cycle, and ongoing reregulation of the banking industry. Pattullo expects to see better value emerging and more interesting credits in the market. Therefore, he believes that there is more opportunity in the forthcoming 12 months.

Henderson releases the 8th edition of the Henderson Global Dividend Study

Henderson’s Jane Shoemake, Investment Director of Global Equity Income, presents the 8th edition of the Henderson Global Dividend Study. Henderson Global Dividend Study is a quarterly report analyzing dividend trends from around the world. The study examines dividends paid every quarter by the 1,200 largest firms by market capitalization. In the latest edition, we saw an increase of 2% in global dividend growth for the quarter after nearly three quarters of consecutive declines.

Henderson Geneva: Investment Process & Portfolio Construction

?In this latest video update, Scott Priebe, Portfolio Manager, provides an overview on Henderson Geneva’s investment process and portfolio construction. He explains the team’s threefold investment process for analyzing companies, which includes a bottom-up qualitative and quantitative assessment, complemented by a top-down economic and investment outlook. Priebe walks through portfolio construction from the initial position size to why the team would trim and or sell a company.

Henderson Geneva: Overview & Investment Philosophy

In this latest video update, Michelle Picard, CFA, Portfolio Manager, provides an overview on Henderson Geneva’s history and the investment team. Picard highlights the time-tested investment philosophy where the team engages in bottom-up, fundamental analysis to identify high quality companies. Further, she explains why she believes investing in such proven, high quality companies can lead to competitive returns with below average risk over the market cycle.

World prognosis (3 of 3): Emerging Markets

?In this third and final video in the “world prognosis” series, Bill McQuaker, Co-Head of Multi-Asset, assesses the state of emerging markets, the effect of QE and why their prospects may be pivotal to the overall health of the global economy. McQuaker discusses how the impact of an unbalanced Chinese economy is being felt globally and what’s next for emerging markets.

World prognosis (1 of 3): US & UK

In this first segment of a three part “world prognosis” series of videos, Bill McQuaker, Co-Head of Multi-Asset, assesses the responses of the US and UK authorities as they attempt to re-establish ‘normality’ in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis and explores the longer term implications for investors.

World prognosis (2 of 3): Japan & Europe

?In this second segment of a three part “world prognosis” series of videos, Bill McQuaker, Co-Head of Multi-Asset, discusses the European and Japanese responses to the global financial crisis and how policy intervention has proven positive for investors.

Fixed Income Perspective: Fed Challenges and EM Dynamics

In this latest video update, Phil Apel, CFA, Head of Fixed Income, James McAlevey, CFA, Portfolio Manager, Steve Drew, Head of Emerging Market Credit and Stephen Thariyan, Global Head of Credit examine recent market volatility and share their views on what it means for investors going forward. Apel comments on the drivers of volatility and contrasting returns in market sub sectors. McAlevey and Drew discuss the sensitivity that the Fed and emerging markets have felt with recent market volatility, while Thariyan highlights where to find value in the credit markets.