The 70% Solution
by Clyde Kendzierski of FSG LLC,
Bear markets end with widespread capitulation while a chorus of the stock trader’s prayer (God, if you get me out of this mess, I swear I will never buy another stock) spreads through out the land.
May 2016 Edition The 70% Solution Newsletter
by Clyde Kendzierski of FSG LLC,
Everything is falling into place. US Stocks and the Dollar have topped out and are rolling over, interest rates are poised to rise while the commodities and emerging markets are building a base for a new bull market.
The Stealth Bear Market
by Clyde Kendzierski of FSG LLC,
Lots of investors have been very disappointed this year. The financial media keep telling us that the markets, although less than stellar, are intact and poised for future gains. Few investors see that in their own portfolios. The reality is that if your portfolio is concentrated a few mega cap stocks that have done well you are doing just fine.