EQIS Capital
How Can Advisors Get Paid on Income Solutions Given the DOL Ruling?
by Kenneth Kim of EQIS Capital,
Financial advisors are facing a myriad of challenges from robo-advisors to the DOL changes, to providing viable income solutions for their clients while being appropriately compensated.
Stay Calm and Carry On
by Kenneth Kim of EQIS Capital,
As most everyone is aware, the markets have been highly volatile, and mostly down, during these past few days. Everyone seems to be pointing fingers at China’s slowing economy as the cause. Before joining EQIS, I was a professor of finance at Renmin University in Beijing, China for many years. Recognized as one of the top 15 economists* in China, and a frequent economic commentator on the Chinese economy on China’s only English-language national television station, I can speak about, and address, this current market condition that places blame on China.