
Training the Investor Brain 2: Managing Emotions and Building Your Business

Investing includes psychological aspects, but what are the practical behavioral applications of investing psychology? How can you use this science to actually help your clients and grow your business? Training the Investor Brain 2, brought to you by the Brandes institute, will bring pragmatic tools and techniques to make a real-world difference for you and your client base.

Join co-hosts Bob Schmidt and Dr. Frank Murtha for this insightful webinar. Bob is Manager of the Brandes Institute. Dr. Murtha is a psychologist, award-winning author, and co-founder of the behavioral finance consulting firm, MarketPsych.


International Equities: Why It Shouldn’t Be a “Wait-and-See”

With U.S. equities now having outperformed their international counterparts for 11 years on a cumulative basis, there have been plenty of discussions on how expensive the domestic stock market has become. Yet, many investors seem reluctant to allocate to companies abroad, shrugging off elevated valuations for U.S. stocks and any negative news fairly quickly. In this webcast, we will share:

  • our insights on why non-U.S. stocks deserve a meaningful allocation in a balanced equity portfolio; and
  • why now may be a good time to break away from the herd.

Brandes Quarterly Letter: Guarding Against Natural, Built-In Biases

This letter explores examples of cognitive and behavioral biases that can derail even the best investment strategy if not identified and guarded against.


Brandes Quarterly Letter: What a Difference a Year Can Make

Brandes believes increased market volatility and valuation readjustments in the final quarter of 2018 mean a better outlook for a global value investing approach in 2019 and beyond.