White Paper

Enhanced Portfolio Diversification: The Power of "&"

Most investors, whether institutional or individual, tend to believe that stocks are a good—perhaps even the best—investment in the long run. However, the reason for expecting good performance from stocks is perhaps not always clearly articulated: Quite simply, it is because they are risky. Investors also tend to believe that investing in alternatives, such as managed futures, necessitates sacrificing some of their stock and/or bond asset allocation. This Insight explains how investors can have both the diversification benefits of managed futures, and their traditional stock/bond portfolio. Thus, the power of “&”.

White Paper

May White Paper: Looking Under the Hood

In a recent Webinar, we introduced the Equinox “Ampersand” concept. Here, we try to provide not just a recap, but a more in-depth “under the hood” look at some of the details of the structure, to which we could not do justice during the relatively short Webinar. We also try to address some of the questions and concerns we have heard.

White Paper

The Risk Contribution of Stocks: Part 3

Part 3 of 3: Most investors tend to believe that stocks are a good—perhaps even the best—investment in the long run. However, the reason for expecting good performance from stocks is perhaps not always clearly articulated: Quite simply, it is because they are risky.

White Paper

The Risk Contribution of Stocks: Part 2

Part 2 of 3: Most investors tend to believe that stocks are a good—perhaps even the best—investment in the long run. However, the reason for expecting good performance from stocks is perhaps not always clearly articulated: Quite simply, it is because they are risky.

White Paper

The Risk Contribution of Stocks

Most investors tend to believe that stocks are a good—perhaps even the best—investment in the long run. However, the reason for expecting good performance from stocks is perhaps not always clearly articulated: Quite simply, it is because they are risky. “The Risk Contribution of Stocks” is Part 1 of a 3-part series.