Altana Wealth
How to Profit from the Oil Price Fall
by Lee Robinson of Altana Wealth,
In February of last year, I wrote my quarterly piece on profiting from oil. The article is shown on the following page. Oil at the time was hovering just above $50. The December 2020 future was trading around $70. The average price that could be locked in by oil traders over 5 years was therefore around $60. We predicted we would see oil in the 20’s and fast forward to 2016 and oil has fallen to below $30 having been as low as $27 with the forwards at $47 and the average 5 year price now at $38.
Are Unicorns for Real?
by Lee Robinson of Altana Wealth,
The world is a rapidly changing place. We see lots of disruption with many losers and winners. For asset owners, spotting and removing those stocks and bonds that could fall 80-100% is just as important as finding those new winners. Arguably the former is much easier than the latter.