Several years ago some politicians started demanding that the Federal Reserve get audited. We think the idea has some merits but also some drawbacks, as well.
One problem with the Fed is that it doesn’t have a hard limit on its own spending. For example, let’s say the Fed wanted to hire a bunch of extra staff to write papers on climate change, income inequality, gun control, or other “political hot button” issues of the day that don’t really have a direct relationship with monetary policy or the Fed’s mission. Our understanding is that there’s nothing to stop the Fed from doing so, as long as it claims some relationship to monetary policy, no matter how tenuous.
And even if the appointed leaders at the Federal Reserve Board object, there are still twelve regional reserve banks around the country that could do so, and their leaders are not appointed by the president or confirmed by the Senate. In fact, the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank already has staff dedicated to researching topics that impact the “greater good” and “community development.
Depending on the party in power, auditing the Fed could lead Congress to mandate more or less of these endeavors, and at the same time put more political pressure on the Fed to tilt monetary policy in a way that politicians see as favorable toward themselves, which would mean less Fed independence. History shows clearly that less central bank independence correlates closely with higher inflation and less currency stability.
What we would suggest is a law that limits the Fed to activities that directly, not indirectly, impact monetary policy. Those areas can be measured with an accounting audit by an outside firm, which the Fed already does. Last week the Fed released its audited financial statements for 2023 and they were…. interesting.