- We see emerging markets better withstanding volatility and benefiting as supply chains rewire. We switch our EM debt preference to the hard currency from local.
- Developed market stocks slid last week and long-term bond yields jumped as markets focused on U.S. fiscal challenges. We see long-term yields rising more.
- All eyes are on U.S. inflation this week after softer-than-expected data in the last CPI print. We see persistent wage pressure keeping core inflation sticky.
Last week’s bond yield jump and stock tumble underscore we’re in a new regime of greater volatility. A renewed focus on U.S. fiscal challenges and surprise policy tightening in Japan have stirred up volatility in developed markets (DM). We think emerging market (EM) assets have an edge as their central banks cut rates and benefit from rewiring supply chains. What’s in the price is key. We rotate our EM bond preference to favor hard currency and stay granular in EM stocks.

Trade activity between nations dipped between World War One and World War Two (yellow shaded area in chart) before surging in the decades after World War Two as globalization took shape. Yet trade as a share of global GDP has plateaued (orange line) since the 2008 global financial crisis – one sign that globalization is under pressure. We see a world of fragmentation ahead: Competing defense and economic blocs are emerging. Multi-aligned nations are set to grow in power and influence, and we expect many major EMs to fall into this camp. As global fragmentation plays out, countries and companies are increasingly prioritizing security and resiliency – through industrial subsidies, export controls, and other tools – over maximum efficiency. We see this shift in priorities accelerating the rewiring of supply chains as nations aim to bring production closer to home. All this favors selected EMs, in our view.
Against that structural backdrop, we also favor broad EM exposures over DMs in the short term. DMs are experiencing bouts of volatility and we see the risk of more. The Fitch Ratings downgrade of the U.S. credit rating last week and the U.S. Treasury’s sizable borrowing needs put a spotlight on the challenging U.S. fiscal outlook. We think EMs are relatively better positioned to withstand some of this volatility. That’s partly due to EM central banks nearing the end of their rate hiking cycles. Some have started to cut policy rates, like in Chile and Brazil. Yet they’re not immune from a sharp hit to risk assets, in our view.
We put our new playbook in action again by gauging what’s in the price. We flip our overweight EM local currency debt to neutral and turn overweight EM hard currency debt on a six- to 12-month tactical horizon. We had been overweight EM local currency debt since March on attractive yields from EM central banks nearing the end of their hiking cycles and a broadly weaker U.S. dollar. We began to reassess our view on local currency in July: Yields have fallen closer to U.S. Treasury yields. Rate cuts seem largely priced in and could put downward pressure on EM currencies, dragging on local currency returns.
EM hard currency debt – issued in U.S. dollars and thus cushioning returns from any local currency weakness – looks more attractive. Hard currency debt is more diversified than the local currency, based on J.P. Morgan indexes, and it could benefit from the rewiring of globalization. We also think lower credit ratings in EM hard currency debt are priced in given that yields are at a near 14-year high versus local currency bond yields, Refinitiv data show.
We prefer EM bonds and stocks as we see a rewiring of supply chains benefiting select countries that offer valuable commodities and supply chain inputs. That includes oil from the Gulf states; India’s chemicals and industrial manufacturing; South Korea’s battery and memory supply chain businesses; Indonesia’s nickel and cobalt; and Chile’s lithium. Some, like Mexico, could benefit from U.S. and other DM efforts to reshore production closer to home. That push includes the making of semiconductors – the technology powering artificial intelligence (AI) and a key part of major EM tech sectors. Yet as an investment opportunity, the AI mega force may be bigger within DM, supporting revenues and margins across sectors.
Bottom line: We are in a new regime of greater volatility – and we see EMs better positioned to withstand it, for now. We harness mega forces to find opportunities based on what’s in the price. We stay overweight EM debt overall but switch our preference to hard currency on its high yields. We like EMs that may benefit from rewiring globalization.
Market backdrop
Developed market stocks retreated and long-term government bond yields rose, with the U.S. 10-year Treasury yield jumping above 4% to near 15-year highs reached last year. We think the U.S. rating downgrade helped put a spotlight on the fiscal challenges it faces. Along with greater U.S. Treasury bond issuance, that could prompt investors to demand more term premium, or compensation for the risk of holding long-term government bonds – and push long-term yields even higher.

Macro take
Last week’s U.S. jobs report for July clearly shows wage pressures aren’t abating just yet despite recent data raising hopes of U.S. inflation falling durably back to the Federal Reserve’s 2% target.
Growth in average hourly earnings – a key gauge of wage trends – is still elevated at a 4.7% annualized pace over the three months through July. See the chart. Even though employment growth is slowing, the labor market is set to tighten at this level of job growth. The labor force participation rate remains stuck for the fifth month in a row and the unemployment rate ticked down near five-decade lows to 3.5%. That’s the labor supply shock at work.
As the U.S. population ages, workers retire and labor supply gets squeezed, we don’t think this level of employment growth is slow enough to help ease pressures on wage growth to a level consistent with 2% inflation. That’s even with the seemingly positive news from the second quarter labor cost data. We see the Fed keeping rates high as a result.

Investment themes
1 Holding tight
- Markets have come around to the view that central banks will not quickly ease policy in a world shaped by supply constraints – notably worker shortages in the U.S.
- We see central banks being forced to keep policy tight to lean against inflationary pressures. This is not a friendly backdrop for broad asset class returns, marking a break from the four decades of steady growth and inflation known as the Great Moderation.
- Economic relationships investors have relied upon could break down in the new regime. The shrinking supply of workers in several major economies due to aging means a low unemployment rate is no longer a sign of the cyclical health of the economy. Broad worker shortages could create incentives for companies to hold onto workers, even if sales decline, for fear of not being able to hire them back. This poses the unusual possibility of “full employment recessions” in the U.S. and Europe. That could take a bigger toll on corporate profit margins than in the past as companies maintain employment, creating a tough outlook for DM equities.
- Investment implication: Income is back. That motivates our overweight to short-dated U.S. Treasuries.
2 Pivoting to new opportunities
- Greater volatility has brought more divergent security performance relative to the broader market. Benefiting from this requires getting more granular and eyeing opportunities on horizons shorter than our tactical ones. We go granular by tilting portfolios to areas where we think our macro view is priced in.
- We think dispersion within and across asset classes – or the extent to which prices deviate from an index – will be higher in the new regime amid the various crosscurrents at play, allowing for granularity. That offers more ways to build portfolio “breadth” via uncorrelated exposures, in our view.
- We think it also means security selection, expertise, and skill are even more important to achieving above-benchmark returns. Relative value opportunities from potential market mispricings are also likely to be more abundant.
- Investment implication: We like quality in both equities and fixed income.
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