Is It Still June? Positioning is Still Quite Supportive of Equities

The most significant element going into the June low was positioning. Investors were hyper-aggressive buying hedges for equity exposure. Nothing has changed, especially after last Friday’s drop, and investors are still looking quite defensive. This is a positive in so far as it is indicative of investors that are fearful of the downside and possibly offsides. It creates a lot of fuel for advances that can demonstrate some momentum.

Let’s start with Sentiment Trader’s Major Combined Hedger Position. Traders are long $125 billion of bearish contracts that protect the downside. This value is down a couple billion in the last few weeks, but the current reading is the most extreme we’ve ever seen.

Construction per Sentiment Trader:

This is the combined dollar value of hedger positions in S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, and Dow Industrials futures contracts.

Sentiment Trader’s Equity Hedging Index combines many financial products that can be used to hedge equity exposure. The current reading of .74 is only a couple points below the June low. In other words, investors are just as hedged now as they were going into the June low. This is bullish.

Construction per Sentiment Trader:

There are many ways in which an investor or speculator can hedge against a stock market decline, among them:

  • Raise cash
  • Buy put options
  • Buy an inverse exchange-traded fund
  • Buy an inverse mutual fund
  • Sell short a futures contract
  • Buy credit default swaps

The Equity Hedging Index looks at each of those factors above and compares the current level to its historical average. The more each indicator shows hedging activity, the higher the Equity Hedging Index will be.