For one of the few times in history investors can invest in Starbucks stock (SBUX) on sale.
Starbucks Stock FAST Graphs
Starbucks could be categorized as a growth stock, a dividend stock, and a dividend growth stock. In this video I will illustrate the fiscal strength and opportunity available with investing in this juggernaut. In the past I have suggested that you cannot pay too much to invest in a true growth stock if you are willing to hold it long enough. When often saying that, I use Starbucks as a quintessential example. However, with that said, being able to invest in this true growth stock at a bargain price is a truly exceptional opportunity.
Consequently, I recommend Starbucks to the long-term oriented investor whether they are interested in growth, dividends, dividend growth and/or all the above.
FAST Graphs Analyze Out Loud Video on Starbucks (SBUX)
FAST Graphs Analyze Out Loud Video
Disclosure: No position
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