How Green Bonds Will Fund a Green Future

More securities labeled as environmental, social and governance (ESG) bonds are being issued by a wider variety of companies than ever before. This is a welcome development, because such financing will play a critical role in the global transition to a greener world. But not all ESG-labeled bonds are equal. To fund a genuinely green future, investors will need to separate the grain from the chaff.

An Explosion of ESG Bond Issuance

ESG-labeled bond issuance surged to new heights in 2021. Though Europe remained the leader, new regions rapidly adopted these financing structures. Green bonds, which fund particular projects, continued to dominate. But issuance of social, sustainability and sustainability-linked bonds—which reference specific key performance indicators, or KPIs—grew fastest (Display).

The range of issuers has broadened as well. Until recently, ESG bond issuance was mainly the preserve of investment-grade issuers. But in 2021, high-yield issuance across US dollar and euro markets quadrupled. What’s more, many industries featured in the list of ESG bond issuers for the first time: in euro markets, chemicals, consumer products, and metals and mining; and in the US, autos, chemical and telecoms. The use of proceeds and range of projects widened too.

Further Strong Growth Expected for ESG Bonds

Can the rapid growth of ESG-labeled bond issuance continue? We believe it will, for three reasons. First, ESG factors are now affecting the cost of capital, with an increasing number of investors adopting strong ESG guidelines. Second, ESG has become a strategic priority for businesses. Natural language processing analysis of publicly available earnings call transcripts and conference presentations tells us that ESG is one of the hottest topics in corporate boardrooms—alongside input-cost inflation, supply chain problems and labor shortages. That’s hardly surprising because, third, companies are facing increasing investor scrutiny about their sustainability goals and continuous pressure to raise their game.