Straumann Group is the No. 1 brand in global dentistry materials and the leader in implant and restoration products for esthetic dentistry, the field dedicated to improving the appearance of the teeth and gums. Founded in 1954 when Reinhard Straumann established the Dr. Ing. R. Straumann Research Institute to analyze the aerodynamics of ski jumping, by 1964, the team had developed a new method of osteosynthesis for treating fractures. This led to the design of a dental implant system in the 1970s, and by the 1990s, the firm’s research was completely focused on oral implantology. Today Straumann leads the market with a full portfolio of prosthetics and products for restoring and regenerating teeth and dental tissue. Over the last 30 years, it has enabled millions of people to regain tooth function and improve the appearance of their teeth.
Dental implant system, credit Straumann
Based in Basel, Switzerland, Straumann considers its culture of fostering agility, embracing change, and encouraging entrepreneurism to be the firm’s No. 1 asset. It is this focus to which it attributes the ability to navigate last year’s pandemic crisis when dental offices worldwide shut down and orders tumbled. Straumann took the opportunity to create new virtual forums and symposia to share knowledge, showcase new solutions and present scientific results, all while continuing to drive its R&D pipeline forward.
Future projects include innovations in robotics and artificial intelligence and smart device technology including wearables and tele-dentistry for AI-assisted diagnostics. In addition to premium and affordable implant systems, recently the firm launched new high-performance updates to its ClearCorrect orthodontics line. Straumann’s principal production sites are in Brazil, France, Germany, Switzerland and the US. With more than 7,300 employees, Straumann products are available in more than 100 countries via a broad network of subsidiaries and distribution partners.
As of 6/30/21, Straumann Holdings was held in the Knowledge Leaders Strategy.