Birthrates Around World Are Falling – Should We Worry?


1. US Birthrate Fell To New Record Low Again in 2020

2. Why Are American Women Having Fewer Babies?

3. Falling Birthrates Are Increasingly a Global Phenomenon

4. Kensington Dynamic Growth Webinar June 30 at 3:00

US Birthrate Fell To New Record Low Again in 2020

The US birthrate fell to another record low in 2020, extending a trend which began in the mid-1960s, and this pattern is also happening in most other parts of the world. Just 3.6 million babies were born across the 50 US states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands in 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in May.

The number of new babies born in the United States dropped to its lowest point in more than four decades last year as the coronavirus pandemic and an economic meltdown contributed to a years-long “baby bust” which has demographers worried about future population growth rates. The US fertility rate, the average number of children that would normally be born to a woman over her lifetime, also sank to near new lows in 2020 at 1.8 births.