Americans' Approval of Economy at 18-Year High


1. Gallup: Americans’ Economic Approval at 18-Year High
2. Americans Strong on Economy, Weak on Direction of Country
3. Liberal “Identity Politics” Running Rampant in America
4. Initial 4Q GDP Report Due Out Thursday, Expected Lower

Gallup: Americans’ Economic Approval at 18-Year High

A new Gallup poll released over the weekend showed 57% of Americans believe the US economy is either “excellent” or “good,”the highest reading in 18 years. That’s up from only 49% in January when the government was partially shut down and just following the stock market meltdown in December. The latest readings are from a February 1-10 poll.

Although Americans' perceptions of the job market have been positive for the past year, a record 69% said in February that now is a good time to find a quality job – the highest it has been since Gallup first asked the question in 2001.

Outlook Rebounds

Americans Strong on Economy, But Weak on Direction of Country

Yet despite all the heightened positivity about the US economy and jobs, Americans remain entrenched in their negativity about the general direction the country is going. Only 29% said they are satisfied with the way things are going nationally, while 69% were dissatisfied (3% were undecided) in the latest Gallup poll. Partisan opinions on this question diverge sharply: 51% of Republicans, 27% of independents and only 10% of Democrats are satisfied.

Lots of other pollsters ask a similar satisfied/dissatisfied question regarding the direction the country is headed. The latest RealClearPolitics average of 10 polls shows 35.4% believe the country is headed in the “Right Direction” while 57.8% believe we’re on the “Wrong Track.” That’s a little better than the Gallup poll above, but both raise some interesting questions.

Direction of Country

Does it puzzle anyone but me that a majority of Americans polled (57%) believe the economy is either excellent or good, and over two-thirds (69%) believe the jobs market is very strong, while only about a third (35.4% or less) believe the country is headed in the right direction overall?