On My Radar: A Painful Week for Global Equities and Fixed Income; The 3.07% Line in the Sand is Cros

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“I want to reiterate my headline: managing debt crises is all about spreading out the pain of the bad debts,
and this can almost always be done well if one’s debts are in one’s own currency.
The biggest risks are typically not from the debts themselves,
but from the failure of policy makers to do the right things due to a lack of knowledge and/or lack of authority.
If a nation’s debts are in a foreign currency, much more difficult choices have to be made to handle the situation well—
and, in any case, the consequences will be more painful.”

– Ray Dalio, A Template for Understanding Big Debt Crises

Asset price inflation (check). Financed by debt growth (check). We’ve spent the last three weeks reviewing Ray Dalio’s A Template for Understanding Big Debt Crises. I hope you found the insights as helpful as I did. Invaluable research for understanding how economies work, how they cycle, how short-term business cycles turn into long-term debt cycles, where we sit in the cycle today and what it means for our tomorrow. It is an extensive study of history, behavioral tendencies and a blueprint for policy makers and you and me to better navigate the challenges on the path ahead. We sit at the end of a long-term debt super-cycle.

The debt challenges will be resolved and, as deep into a state of depression we might choose to send ourselves, let’s not go there, stay positive and know we’ll all be fine. Though some of us will do better than others. It depends on how the path progresses, how policy makers and central bankers take action and how we position our portfolios. In the investment game, it’s about being on the right side of the trend.

I’m pulling for a beautiful deleveraging, but see an ugly as a probable outcome. Either way, as we witnessed this past week, it will be bumpy.

Ok, let’s step forward. The plan this week was for me to share my dashboard of indicators and talk about a few speculative bets to consider. Let’s put that on hold until next week and instead talk about the action in the markets this past week. And what a week it’s been. I’ll start with what I believe is the most significant event.

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