SeWeR and Annuizon: The Interplanetary Retirement Battle

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Safe and risky: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the retiree on her lifecycle mission: to explore strange new investments. To seek out safety and protect against inflation. To boldly go where no woman has gone before!

Individuals can become accustomed to otherwise remarkable happenings. For example, you would think that an event as momentous as the discovery of a new planet would have garnered greater attention. But the 11th such discovery since 2054 barely registered in peoples' ScienceUpdateStream or "SUS." After all, SUS occupied only a minor channel in the WorldwideNeuroBrainFeed, the direct-to-brain official information source that all global citizens' brains received between 6am and midnight. The remarkable aspects of Optimus, especially its unusual financial economic structure and hybrid old-age retirement system, remained unknown to all but a few carefully chosen academics, those possessing the highest security clearances.

Until SeWeR and Annuizon were discovered, one-dimensional, planet-wide financial systems were thought not to exist. However, since 2092, when Earth's first diplomatic mission reached SeWeR, followed by the mission five years later to Annuizon, study of these heretofore unknown systems became the preoccupation of a growing segment of the astro-finance academic community, led by a coterie of prestigious and highly productive researchers that included Pade Wow, Fikel Pinky, Bayvid Danchette, Mivesky Moche, Monald Demoine, Malec Aurguia and Yassimoo Mong. Collectively, by 2099, this group of finance mavens had published more than 6,700 academic papers, with Danchette leading the pack with 288 more papers than his next closest rival.