The Urgent Changes to Improve Your RIA Website

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Imagine a car dealership that doesn’t tell the public it sells cars. That is the rough equivalent of RIAs failing to tell the public that they plan retirement income. No self-respecting auto dealership would ever fail to tell the public about its product. A parallel failure of such magnitude is infecting the RIA community.

I wish I were kidding.

Unless RIAs modify their communications strategies, the failure to address the need for retirement income communications will be felt for years.

Allow me to make my case.

Caution: NSFW (“No Secure Future Warning!”)

Q. What does a prospective client do when looking for a new financial advisor?
A. Goes to Google to search for “financial advisor.”

Q.What percentage of women are worried about outliving their savings?
A. 63%

Q. What is the number one financial concern of retirees?
A. Retirement income

Q. What are the two words missing from RIAs’ websites?
A. Retirement Income