Use Your Calendaring System to Qualify Prospects

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What happens when you get a large number of unsolicited leads from your website? You’ll quickly find that most of them don’t meet your minimum requirements. Here’s how to customize your calendaring system so that you weed out unqualified prospects and spend your time talking to qualified ones.

The financial advisors I talk to dream of the day they get unsolicited leads from their website. They imagine prospects with no previous connection to their company finding their website through Google and scheduling an appointment using the firm’s calendaring system. But once advisors succeed in achieving this goal, they face the rude awakening that most web leads don’t meet the minimum requirements to become a client.

When you get only a few website leads per month, talking to those few unqualified prospects who need some quick advice isn’t much of an inconvenience. It may even feel like you are doing a good deed. But when you start getting dozens of web leads, you quickly learn the frustration of having your calendar filled with unqualified leads.

To solve this problem, use your calendaring software to ask basic qualifying questions. That way, before you even have a call, you can quickly identify the people who are clearly not a fit and refer them to an advisor who would be a better match. Many scheduling software systems allow you to add custom questions to gather this qualifying information.