Opening Your Heart and Mind

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About the Episode:

“I think I bring really important thought leadership in terms of how we serve people through all of my previous mentors, and I’d like to bring that to financial services.”

From midwifery to the financial services industry, Fran’s journey has been nothing short of exciting. Driven by her passion for serving others, Fran knew she wanted to build her business on the foundation of inclusivity. In 2015, she founded Toler Financial Group, a firm focused on serving the needs of specific communities, which may include politically progressive, LGBTQIA+, and racial minorities. As a dedicated member of Cambridge’s Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Advisory Council and the Cambridge LGBTQIA+ task force, Fran collaborates with council members to share awareness around diversity, inclusivity, and equality within the financial services industry and their respective communities. You don’t want to miss this special episode of Cambridge Stronger as Fran discusses her takeaways from the council, as well as the importance of her firm’s core values and how they relate to the clients she serves.

Testimonial statements and personal experience stories may not be representative of the experience of others and is no guarantee of future performance or success. Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC