Joe Namath, Bernie Sanders and the Medicare Dilemma for Clients
About This Episode
The commercials are relentless. Cleverly nestled between episodes of Matlock and Golden Girls, each ad features boomer-friendly celebrities like Joe Namath, Mike Ditka and Jimmie “JJ” Walker breathlessly imploring viewers to find out if they’re missing out on “important new Medicare benefits.” And, to do so now “before it’s too late!”
“Call the number on your screen now,” urges Broadway Joe in one Medicare Advantage plan spot. “It’s free!”
And call they do.
My guest is here to explain why Joe Namath and others may be the biggest threat to your clients’ retirements.
About Our Guest
Melinda Caughill is the co-founder of 65 Incorporated. Her firm offers the i65 Medicare guidance software. Melinda uses her expertise to provide seniors, their families, and their professional advisors with unbiased, expert Medicare guidance.
Show Notes
- Here is a link to the article Melinda wrote for Advisor Perspectives: Why Joe Namath May Be the Biggest Threat to Your Clients’ Retirement.
- Here is a link to Melinda’s company, 65 Incorporated.
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