Credit Supernova! (Redux)

TS Eliot quote

This rather macro-oriented Outlook was originally written in 2013 and is included in my new online book, The Bond King’s Greatest Hits; A Selection of the Best Investment Outlooks Over the Past 46 Years as Chosen by Bond King Bill Gross, that can be ordered here. It was one of my best ever and intended — as I wrote then — to explain our finance-based credit system. It offered no immediate forecast for what I labeled a “Credit Supernova” but suggested over time that a gradual “implosion” of credit’s potency would have longer-term consequences.

I have updated the investment consequences from now to an indefinite future: keep bond durations short; expect low single-digit returns from stocks; consider commodities; don’t invest exclusively in the U.S., despite its more dynamic economy due to AI.

Take your time to digest this. I’m a firm believer in our Credit Supernova.

They say that time is money.* What they don’t say is that money may be running out of time.