Investment Prospects: Three Scenarios

Well I am older now but still running, running against the wind.

“Against The Wind” lyrics by Bob Seger

Scenario 1: Three Yards and a Cloud of Dust

The most likely investment scenario in the period ahead takes a leaf out of the playbook of Woody Hayes, the famous football coach at Ohio State University. Instead of having his quarterbacks throw long passes and gain many yards at a time, he preferred to have them keep the ball close to the ground and move it in small increments.

In the view of Decision Economics, Inc. (DE), the odds (65%) favor a grinding world economy that gains ground incrementally supported by strengthening demand, the chronological longevity of the current expansion notwithstanding. And as the old saw goes, business cycles do not die of old age, but they do fall victims to shocks, policy errors, bubbles and imbalances. Political uncertainty, especially the cliffhanger that overshadows the U.S. Presidential Election just around the corner, is always an issue whose investment implications cannot be readily quantified. Then, there is Italy’s constitutional referendum in early December, ongoing questions about fallout from Brexit, and general elections in Germany and France in 2017. Against this backdrop, policy paralysis is usually the best assumption until the dust settles.