If You Can’t Convert New Clients, Stop Blaming Your Leads

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Many advisors jump to the conclusion that leads who back out of a sale simply weren’t ready or qualified. They assume: “I just need more leads.”

This spurs advisors to launch into time-consuming marketing projects, like building out a complex email series, hiring LinkedIn consultants, starting additional social media campaigns, buying expensive CRM systems like Salesforce, and so on.

Ultimately, however, those efforts may prove to be rabbit holes leading advisors away from the real issue.

In a low volume/high margin business like the advisory business -- where one new client can easily be worth $10-20k in annual fees -- a lack of clients is not a lead generation problem. It’s a conversion problem.

The truth is that most of your prospects have some kind of financial problem or issue. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have agreed to meet with you in the first place.

So their lack of commitment to you at the end of your sales process is not necessarily because they're an unqualified lead (though there will be some of those). More likely, it’s because they didn’t trust you enough to open up to you and tell you the truth behind the original challenge they shared with you.

In short: They didn’t trust you enough to go ahead and make the decision to hire you.