How to Help Clients Retire Early

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As an advisor specializing in retirement planning, I frequently work with professionals who want to explore early retirement.

For some, leaving the work world is an opportunity to focus on travel, philanthropy, better health, or a new enterprise. For others, early retirement is a reward for years of sacrifice and careful planning. Still others contemplate early retirement considering a windfall from a business sale, an inheritance – even a big lottery win.

Whatever motivates them, any client contemplating early retirement should have a financial assessment to make sure their resources match their desires. This presents an opportunity to scrutinize pitfalls and shortcomings and to map out strategic pathways for realizing their goals on secure timelines.

A case in point

To illustrate the power of such an examination, let’s consider a hypothetical married couple, now in their late 40s, envisioning retiring together at age 55. They share an investment portfolio worth $1 million, with assets equally distributed between taxable and non-taxable vehicles.