“Hopeium” – Why You’re Losing the Sale

Ari GalperAdvisor Perspectives welcomes guest contributions. The views presented here do not necessarily represent those of Advisor Perspectives.

A new potential client is referred to you or comes inbound from another source. Something triggers inside you when that meeting approaches. I call it “hopeium.” It’s a drug that runs through your mind and body that automatically triggers assumptions about the intentions of your prospect. Here are some of those assumptions:

  • They’ll be making a decision to solve their problem. (“Why else would they be meeting with me?”)
  • They want to be educated about potential solutions to their problems. (“This allows me to show/prove my value.”)
  • They’re on a “shopping trip” to select an advisor. (“I better over-deliver so that I add more value than the next advisor they meet with.”)

Those assumptions create actions in your mind that prepare you for what you believe are their intentions. But what if those assumptions are wrong? What if those projected intentions are what they want you to believe, so you adapt to what they think they want? What if they don’t understand what they need? When a prospect comes inbound, it’s easy to assume they know what they want, understand what they need, and recognize you as the one for them. We feel wanted, relevant and appreciated…. hopeium fills our veins... so we start delivering value, some free consulting and education to show them their shopping trip should end with you. Here’s the antidote to hopeium:

Your prospect thinks they know what they want, but you know, through your years of experience, it often is not the full picture. They often don’t know what they actually need!

Your job is not to allow your prospect to determine the path they believe they need to solve their issues.