Managing Time When You Have No Time

Beverly Flaxington is a practice management consultant. She answers questions from advisors facing human resource issues. To submit yours, email us here.

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Dear Readers,

In the last two weeks, I’ve run six sessions exploring obstacles with clients, and a couple training sessions talking about other obstacles. The most common ailment when it comes time management is…. lack of time. I hear this especially from those people in support functions who are getting the work done – no time to focus, not enough people to do the work, too much rolling downstream and so on.

In my graduate class on managerial skills, we spend two weeks on time management. It is the Achilles heel of even the most organized, devoted students.

While we cannot manufacture more time, there are some things to consider that will ease the frenetic rush to get things done, only to find out the pile of things to do has only grown. In this week’s article, I’ll share some best practices.

First, when we think about time as an obstacle, we have to categorize it. There are three categories of obstacles: Those you can control, those you can influence and those out of your control. Time is one that falls into all the three categories. You certainly can’t control the number of hours in a given day (which translates to 86,400 seconds), but you can influence how you work with others, what you agree to, and you control how you prioritize and manage what is available to you.