The Perfect Squat

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Squatting, a basic form of human movement is used to sit down, stand up, and move large objects. In the fitness industry, it’s a fundamental lift to build full body strength and increase athletic performance. As simple as the movement seems, there are a lot of nuances to making the squat “optimal,” with a quick Google search leading to a plethora of tips and tricks. The author of The Squat Bible, Dr. Aaron Horschig, recommends the following:

1. Toe angle slightly outward

2. Foot stability (tri-pod foot pressure)

3. External rotation torque

4. Hinging at the hips

5. Postural integrity

In Horschig’s opinion, following these principles will lead to a more efficient squat technique, allowing for greater loadbearing and reduced risk of injury.

On its surface, building efficient portfolios also seems to be quite simple, with most pointing to modern portfolio theory (MPT) as the foundational paradigm. Introduced by Harry Markowitz in the 1950s, MPT lays out a mathematical framework for achieving the “optimal” portfolio. Intuitively, the main pillar of MPT assumes that individuals prefer less risk to achieve higher returns. It prescribes the following steps: