Ukraine War Hastens Investor Migration to Private Markets

Much of the commentary about the Ukraine war’s implications for the investment-management industry has tended to be both immediate and narrow, particularly in discussions about the spillovers for different segments. By zooming out, however, some longer-term ramifications become more apparent for both public and private markets.

The war is amplifying and accelerating six important secular evolutions that were already taking place well before the first Russian troops invaded Ukraine. Indeed, on the eve of the invasion:

  • Inflation was already a problem; the Federal Reserve was already behind the curve; it was losing control of the monetary policy narrative; and the days of massive liquidity injections were ending.
  • With many policy options virtually exhausted by the enormous response to the pandemic, the possibility of stagflation for the global economy was already a risk; and, at the other end of the probability distribution of potential outcomes, the upside scenario of high growth and transitory inflation was declining.
  • Persistent China-U.S. tensions, together with the pronounced politicization and weaponization of trade sanctions during the Trump administration, were serving as headwinds to continued globalization and liberalization of both economic and financial cross-border interactions.
  • The need to intensify the battle against climate change was urgent, as was the realization of the complexities of the transitional issues, including the orderly replacement of fossil fuels.
  • China and some other countries were looking for more ways to build bigger pipes around the Western-dominated core of the international monetary order.
  • Driven by an enlarged set of stakeholders, companies were being pushed to take more seriously their social and environmental responsibilities, including starting to self-sanction themselves more away from harmful activities.

In addition to speeding up and intensifying these developments, the war has also increased the scope for their interactions, making the universe of potential outcomes not just much broader but also more path dependent.

Ironically, the complexity of potential outcomes has a powerfully simple implication for the investment-management industry: a bigger migration from public markets into private ones such as private equity, venture capital, private credit and real assets.