Eight Ways to Use Marketing to Build Trust

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When it comes to prospecting, there is nothing – I repeat, nothing – more important than building trust. The act of turning over hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of hard-earned dollars to another person for ongoing management is truly an act of faith.

It’s therefore important that you spend a moment intentionally planning for how you’ll build trust with prospective clients. Peers like my friend Shauna Mace will tell you how to do this in a sales environment far better than I can.

But when it comes to marketing, here are the rules that will help.

Let’s define trust

Before we can plan to build trust, we need to understand trust itself. Social psychology researchers talk about two different types of trust – cognitive and affective trust. Cognitive trust is rational – it’s about analyzing a person or situation and deciding you can trust them. Affective trust is emotional – it’s about feelings that arise from interactions that create a sense of trust.

Trust is about the head and the heart. And interestingly, certain cultures and types of people privilege cognitive trust over emotional trust, or vice versa – what matters to one person may not matter as much to another.

Trust is best built in a personal, one-on-one conversation. But research has shown that buyers do more than half of their research online before ever getting in touch. Thus, trust needs to be built just as much through marketing as it does through introductory meetings.