Delegation versus Perfection

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Perfectionism sounds great but it can be the gateway to disaster. You feel so good about yourself because you can do it all (you think better than anyone else) – and so you wind up doing it all. Your downfall accelerates by insisting on doing everything and getting in your own way.

Perfectionism and delegation are like oil and water. They don’t mix, so until you work on getting your perfectionistic tendencies under control, your delegator will remain dormant.

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.

The core problem is that you’ve smothered your delegator by convincing yourself that there is nobody else to do the job like you can. Sometimes you mean that you don’t trust anyone else to do it “right,” as if you hold the magical power of doing every job right. But is this true?

No, and here’s a little secret: Perfection is not attainable.

Striving for perfection brings about depression, anxiety, stress, feelings of hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of appetite, and it has even been known to lead to nervous breakdowns. Perfectionism will ultimately get in your way. It will slow down your road to success in a big way.

According to The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, perfectionism is also a confidence killer. This book also reveals that success correlates more closely with confidence than with competence, meaning that to succeed, it’s more important to be confident than it is to be competent. (Read that last sentence again!) And, because perfectionism tends to kill confidence, those who lack confidence struggle to get ahead.