The "Know, Like, Trust" Factor in Your Marketing

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You’ve probably heard of the “know, like, trust” factor, but you might wonder if there is a need to put it to work for you at scale. After all, as a financial advisor, chances are you are a generally likable person, and your personality has played a part in your success.

You are in the business of helping people on a personal level. The “know, like, trust” factor probably isn’t a struggle for you because, if you weren’t a people person, you would have chosen a different career path. You may have the foundation covered, but growing a business is different from making friends or being well-known. Getting someone to trust you with their financial decisions goes beyond just being friendly; they have to really trust you.

To scale your business, you can’t rely on your personality alone to carry you through; instead, you need to take the necessary steps to intentionally and systematically make sure more of your ideal prospects have the opportunity to get to know, like, and trust you every day.

What Is the “know, like, trust” factor?

The concept is basic, but there is a lot more to “know, like, trust” than you might have considered. Essentially, it represents the journey that your potential client makes when they are getting to know you and your professional brand.

They have to know who you are, which means they need to know you exist, what services you offer, and why you are qualified to deliver those services. Then they need to determine whether they like what they discover – that you seem like someone they can connect with, and you appear to be qualified and capable of meeting their needs satisfactorily. And finally, once they know and like you, trust can begin to develop as they decide whether or not you seem to be an honest, dependable person or company upon whom they can rely.