Knockout Approaches to Virtual Networking

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It’s amazing what the impact of the coronavirus has had on life as we know it. You can’t turn on the news or read a tweet and not see terms like outbreak, pandemic, self-quarantine, social distancing, soap and water, sanitizer, face masks, work from home, touching elbows, or cancelled due to COVID-19.

All too often, we read in the news about bombings, shootings and accidents, much of which happens in other countries, other states and other towns. With other people. Far, far away from us.

Suddenly, over the last several weeks, this thing got real.

COVID-19 is affecting our jobs, the way we do business, clients, air travel, sports, eating habits, dental appointments, social gatherings, fitness classes, schools, grocery shopping, conferences, news cycles, and unfortunately life and death.

Outside of the many busy doctors, nurses, and hospital staff, a lot more people have more time on their hands now that Chili’s is closed.

On Friday, I cancelled a networking event that I lead in New York City that was scheduled for this week. That means cancelling a food order, beverage order, conference space, and issuing refunds.

Not fun.

In my, “This event has been cancelled due to the impact of COVID-19” email to the group, I offered to host a virtual networking meeting that would take place the same time the other event had been scheduled. The response has been overwhelming.

What a great idea! How nice of you! Brilliant! Thank you for doing this!