A Five-Step Plan to Leverage Content Across Multiple Channels

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What if I told you that you could create one (just one!) blog post to drive your entire inbound marketing strategy?

Believe it.

This is a proven keystone habit marketers have adopted when they are strapped for time or staff. Repurposing content into a variety of media (email, video, podcasts, etc.) is also a great way to reach a broader, untapped audience. I’m going to share with you step-by-step instructions to leverage this strategy to propel your lead generation forward without having to create hundreds of blog posts.

Step 1: Create your initial blog post

At the beginning of the month, after you’ve brainstormed and landed on a killer topic, sit down and write. Ideally, your blog post should be around 1,800 words. Why? Google prioritizes long-form content, so the “beefier” your post the higher your chances are of ranking high in organic searches and being found. This also gives you the opportunity to get really granular with your topic.

Keep your end audience in mind. Research has shown that articles with images get 94% more views than articles without, so include graphs or charts to supplement and support your content throughout.

Now, we can’t talk about blogging without search engine optimization (SEO). Once you've added your images, double check that the keywords you want your post to rank for when someone is searching for content topics that are similar to are included in both the headline of your blog post as well as H1 and H2 tags (header tags) throughout the copy. For instance, if you're talking about 10 tips for taking Social Security at the right time, do a little research on Google and see what other kinds of questions people are searching for that are similar to that and make sure that those keywords are sprinkled throughout your post.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, host your blog somewhere. Ideally it will live on your website.