The Time Traveler’s Guide to Investing

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Which is more important to your clients – hitting a net-worth target (money) or getting to financial security as quickly and safely possible (time)?

Hitting a net-worth target is by far the most popular answer I get when I ask this question. It’s easy to pick a number like $1 million and set your sights on getting there. It’s what happens after you get there that matters.

The less popular answer is the harder goal to attain – figuring out how many years it will take to reach financial security – your age at financial security (AFS).

Those two goals – money and time – are related. But which one you choose will have a profound effect on your quality of life during your golden years.

Why time is more important than money

You will never get one second more than what you already have in your time bank. There are things you can do to extend your life expectancy – a clean and healthy lifestyle, for example – but that will work against reaching financial security, because your retirement savings will have to be greater to support you for those bonus golden years.

The good news: You’re on track to become a millionaire.

The bad news: Millionaires are far from being financially secure.

The tradeoff between money and time is a no-brainer to me. I’ll take more time over more money any day.