Polarizing Money Beliefs

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"Money is supposed to be spent!"

"Money is supposed to be saved!"

We may not hear talk-show participants shouting these opposing views at each other with the same level of anger that characterizes some of our political rhetoric. Yet the core polarization that pervades so much of today's society also shows up in people's beliefs about money.

I saw this polarization recently in a conversation with a group of friends in Europe. The topic of money came up, as it usually does when people find out one of my specialties as a financial advisor is financial therapy. My friends thought that money is meant to be spent, not saved. They felt that people who saved money were faithless and greedy hoarders who, by their saving, threaten the economic system.

At the other extreme, I know other people who strongly believe a person’s first duty is to save and invest. According to them, those who don’t save as much as possible for emergencies and retirement are foolish, deluded, irresponsible and destined to live out their last days in poverty.