The Three Drivers of Client Behavior

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Financial advising is a natural fit for rational, analytic professionals who think from a place of logic.

At least, that is how the field is often seen.

But your clients make their decisions, including which advisor to entrust with their financial concerns, from a place of emotion. By understanding the psychology behind your clients’ state of mind, you can improve and strengthen client relationships, anticipate their needs and predict their future behaviors.

There is a subtle, but significant, difference between managing a portfolio and managing all of a client’s needs and expectations. Given the geopolitical tensions and market volatility clients have faced this year, it has never been more important to understand what is driving them to act the way they do. Too often, advisors think only from a technical perspective. They rarely realize until it’s too late that a great technical solution to a financial problem may be emotionally unacceptable to a client.

Likability, competence and trust are the criteria that most clients base their decision on when choosing a financial advisor. Trust, the most important of these three, is what keeps clients happy and loyal over the course of years. Financial advisors must get to the bottom of the needs of their clients on every level – that’s where trust is built, and that’s where advisors will be able to actually do what they do best and provide advice that will be heeded and, beyond that, valued.

Let’s look how advisors can identify the three basic motives underlying client behaviors.

What drives client behavior?

Every client has a goal. While on the surface it may appear to be something simple ,such as save for retirement or preserve capital, there is always an underlying cause influencing what their goals are and the path they are most comfortable taking to reach them. This becomes especially evident in times of uncertainty. In the face of strong emotions, reason and logic depart from the equation. It sounds simple enough on paper, but it is also why many clients buy high, sell low or cash out at the wrong time. No matter the science, they will blame their financial advisor when the results aren’t what they were expecting.

A client put into an uncomfortable situation will cease thinking with their pre-frontal cortex or “thinking brain,” and their primitive brain will take over. They revert to their primal instinct of flight, fight or freeze. The context and the temperament of the individual determine their default approach. The goal of an advisor shouldn’t be just to stop clients from irrational reactions; it is paramount that advisors acknowledge the symptom, analyze the client’s unique situation and delve into addressing the underlying cause.