James Montier is a member of Grantham Mayo van Otterloo’s (GMO’s) Asset Allocation team. Prior to joining GMO in 2009, he was co-head of Global Strategy at Société Générale. Mr. Montier is the author of several books including Behavioral Investing: A Practitioner’s Guide to Applying Behavioral Finance; Value Investing: Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investment; and The Little Book of Behavioral Investing. Mr. Montier is a visiting fellow at the University of Durham and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He holds a B.A. in Economics from Portsmouth University and an M.Sc. in Economics from Warwick University.
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I spoke with James on January 15.
You wrote two papers in the past year (The Idolatry of Interest Rates Part I: Chasing Will-o’-the-Wisp and The Idolatry of Interest Rates Part II: Financial Heresy) on a world without a natural interest rate, The Idolatry of Interest Rates. If interest rates were not being administered by central banks, at what level do you think the market would be setting them?
That’s a fascinating question to which I genuinely do not know the answer. The reason is that interest rates have pretty much always been an administered price. It has always been central banks or governments at least that have set interest rates, at least a benchmark rate. Without that foundation rate, it would be an interesting problem for the financial markets to try and solve. But I don’t think there’s a natural rate that could be divined that everyone would be obliged to respect.
There has always been an interest rate set by the government and/or the central bank. For much of history it was basically the governments, and obviously more recently it has been the central banks.
Without somebody setting at least a rate, I don’t know what markets would price since everybody seems to think of interest rates in the corporate markets as a spread of the government. It is not obvious to me what rate it would be.
Given that administered interest rates are in effect, they are really fixing the price of the cost of capital. Price fixing of other assets historically resulted in market distortions. What, if any, distortions do you perceive, and when and how do you think they might be resolved?
When I look at the world today, pretty much every financial asset has been impacted by the administered rates. Effectively, what has happened is the central banks have been behaving in a way that William McChesney Martin would’ve hated. He was the longest serving Federal Reserve governor of all time, and his famous saying was that the central bank’s job was to “take the punch bowl away just when the party was getting interesting.”
But we’ve had central bank governors – Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen – who are more like teenagers at a prom night. They are spiking the punch bowl and handing out free drinks and hoping to get lucky at the end of the night.
They have engendered an enormous amount of risk-taking, and you can see that in the fixed income markets and the well-known indices. You can see it in equity markets. When we look at equity markets, we see them to be significantly more expensive than we would like to see in terms of the concept of a fair return to equity. Pretty much every financial asset has been a victim of the way in which these administered prices have been set.
Let me ask you about the role of the Internet in commerce. I want to suggest that it’s not the first network that has been inherently deflationary; the telegraph and railroads are other examples from the past that helped drive down costs and prices. What do you think about the Internet and the impact that it has had on interest rates, profit margins or reversion to the mean?
There was a book written during the tech bubble and then released just after by a chap called Alasdair Naim. It’s called the Engines That Move Markets. It was a history of technological revolutions over time and how they played out. It was fascinating in as much as every single one of them you could argue was essentially deflationary in some regard – sometimes in a very specific narrow sector, sometimes in a much broader context. But one of the intriguing patterns that struck me when I read that book was that all of the benefits that these new technologies brought ultimately always accrued to the consumers, not to the producers. But people always got massively over-excited about the producer side – “This new technology was the new hope.” It didn’t matter whether it was railroads or telegraph or the Internet. There’s always been this insane mania-like thing associated with these big technological innovations because people have always thought they were going to capture the profits.
Invariably they didn’t. They end up transferring the surplus to the consumer and benefiting the consumer through the engine of lower prices. In many ways this downward pressure on prices is also the kind of good deflation, if you will. It is not the evil lack-of-demand-driven deflation that we usually associate with the word, the 1930s terrible experience with everybody out of work and nobody having any money to spend. That is a really bad deflation. This is a gentle downward pressure on prices brought about by competition, and it’s actually to the consumer’s benefit, and therefore, pretty good.
In terms of the three issues you mentioned, I don’t think it’s had a huge impact on rates. Rates have been set with a mind to things other than perhaps the kind of deflation. Central banks are much more worried about the lack of growth in the economy generally than the general downward pressure of prices. Let’s not forget that, on average, prices are still rising, just not as fast as they used to. The Internet is just part of that general process. It is depressing prices in some areas. But areas where prices are still rising, for example, school fees, always spring to mind. I don’t think the Internet had a huge impact on rates.
With corporates, it’s typical of the whole process that I mentioned earlier. You get this Kindleberger and Minsky model of bubbles. It always starts with what they called dislocation, which is the creation of profit opportunities in some sectors and the erosion of profit opportunities in other sectors. That is a perfectly normal thing to be happening. You expect capital to flow through the system to find the most profitable opportunities. The Internet has lowered the price but perhaps increased the volume. Therefore, profits as a rule are probably not particularly affected by the Internet per se.
In terms of mean reversion, I don’t think it’s had a huge impact. There are many other things at play – monetary policy being the primary reason why we are suffering the high levels of valuation and the lack of mean reversion that we have historically witnessed. That is a much bigger explanation than, say, the Internet. The Internet had its period of mean reversion after the bubble of the late 1990s. You saw that unwind very fast, so there wasn’t any kind of lasting impact on the tendency towards mean reversion generated by the Internet per se.
Speaking of reversion to the mean, reversion in profit margins has been an important input to GMO’s relatively pessimistic outlook for U.S. equity valuations. How have the changes in the composition of the primary indices, specifically the increased weight of higher margin service companies, affected your assessment of normalized profit margins?
That’s something we spend a lot of time looking at. Profit margins have been one of the areas that have led us to be pessimistic, although interestingly, it is not the biggest source of our forecast error. The biggest source of our forecast error is the P/E ratio. Markets have ended up a lot more expensive than we would have ever imagined. But the margin component is certainly significant and we have been expecting profitability to return more normal levels for a long time now, and it hasn’t.
That’s an interesting problem that we faced. We spent an inordinate amount of time the last two or three years looking at all of the arguments that we could find as to why profit margins were high. One of them is the underlying composition of the Index has actually radically altered.
When we tested that, we actually found it didn’t account for that much of the increased profit margins. We looked at it a couple of ways by essentially saying, “Let’s imagine the industry mix is exactly the same as it was in the 1960s or 1970s. What would profit margins be today if we held that industry mix constant rather than allowing the industry mix to change?” You still get very elevated profit margins. It just didn’t account for very much of the elevation in profit margins as far as we can tell. So whilst it seems plausible that that kind of sector shift would have a big impact, empirically it just doesn’t seem to have been the major driver in high profit margins.
Which behavioral factors or biases do you think are operating in the markets now? What has to happen for those biases to be reduced and for overall thinking to become more rational, to the extent that it is not rational now?
We’ve had an unusual period of very extended asset prices where you can say almost every asset is expensive, with the possible exception of value stocks in the emerging markets. Pretty much everything else looks expensive. That is unusual because in the past we have seen bubbles in smaller areas. In the dot-com bubble, it was obviously contained within the technology, media and telecoms companies. They were the major source of the bubble. In 1989 it was mainly contained within Japanese equities. Even in 2007, the mania was contained within risk assets, which is a much broader group, but nonetheless still a group.
Now we’ve got this very broad-based overvaluation, which is why the Fed and the central banks around the world have had such a role to play in creating these very high asset prices. That’s very different. This is the first central bank-sponsored asset-price bubble. To some extent the U.S. has followed this path before. The housing bubble was a central banks-sponsored bubble. They deliberately lowered rates and kept them low in order to try and get the housing market going in the wake of the dot-com bust, kicking the can down the road.
But this is the first truly global immersion of that experience. It’s generated an enormous bull market in complacency, more than anything else. Everyone seems to think that the central banks are capable of underwriting everything, like the famous Greenspan-Bernanke-Yellen “put.” Nobody can take on too much risk because ultimately the Fed will bail them out. That seems to me to be a complacency that is really driven by overconfidence in central bank behavior.
When people get overconfident they tend to overestimate return and underestimate risk. That is a very dangerous combination of events. That has led us to a world where we face very expensive assets everywhere. In that kind of world, the one thing we do know is that it doesn’t take a lot to lead to a valuation reassessment. Markets are essentially very fragile constructs and they are therefore subject to tipping-point outcomes where you can go from one day, when everybody’s saying everything is fine, to the next day, when everybody wakes up and says, “Oh my God, it’s the end of the world.” The world unravels on the back of that.
You never know what’s going to burst the bubble. But you do know that when assets are priced to perfection, any outcome that is less than perfection can lead to a reassessment of the likely return stream from those assets and therefore a better opportunity set for investors like us “value guys.”
About a year ago, Larry Swedroe wrote an article, Looking Back at James Montier's "Perfect" Value Investors. He looked at an article you wrote in 2006, The Perfect Value Investor, and analyzed what remains of Bob Goldfarb’s 10 best value funds and the performance on a risk-adjusted basis. One of the things he said is that competition in the financial markets, due largely to hedge funds and lots of world-class mathematicians and computer scientists, has increased market efficiency to the point where it may not be possible even for a very few active managers to achieve alpha on a risk adjusted basis. He showed that a comparable passive or DFA portfolio would have outperformed the Goldfarb 10 portfolio. He also has a book out, called the Incredible Shrinking Alpha, where he reached the same conclusion – that, essentially, the market has become so efficient that passive portfolios are going to outperform active managers.
How do you respond to that argument? What are your thoughts now looking back at the perfect value investor? More broadly, is a value Index a reasonable proxy or substitute for a true value fund, in the Graham and Dodd sense of value?
That’s fascinating. I love the idea of the incredible shrinking alpha. I haven’t read it. I ought to go and have a look.
There are many different aspects to that question. Let me start by saying I am not convinced the markets are any more efficient today than they have ever been. There may be an argument that there is a difference between micro efficiency and macro efficiency. Paul Samuelson came up with those terms a long time ago. Micro efficiency, in essence, means individual stock picking. Macro efficiency is the price of equities and other asset classes being correct. There are serious challenges to any concept of macro efficiency. You just have to look at the way markets are priced and have been over the last three or four decades. You’ve had dot-com, Japan and the 2007 global financial crisis.
I really struggle to believe that anyone could look at that time series of valuations and say the market was efficient, so that at each point in time it was putting a sensible price on assets. From an aggregate point of view, there are huge, empirical, real-world challenges to the idea of increased efficiency.
At the micro level, I’m still not sure because markets are essentially driven by fear and greed. One’s time horizon has a lot to say about manager performance and the ability to exploit inefficiencies, even on the micro basis. That ability is hugely challenged by the inclination to be impatient and that accounts for an awful lot of it.
There was an academic paper written by Randy Cohen in 2010 in which he looked at the top picks of mutual fund managers and found that the picks managers were most concentrated in actually did really well. In aggregate, of course, they underperformed the market despite their top picks outperforming. It wasn’t the top picks that were the problem; the rest of the picks were, and it was really about career risk. It’s about the fact that they were being forced to do something that actually doesn’t make investment sense, which was to worry about tracking error and how much risk they were taking relative to the benchmark. That is a measure of risk that a true value investor wouldn’t even concern themselves with.
Don’t get me wrong. Costs have a lot to do with this. But I agree with the idea that you could adopt a passive value strategy and you will probably do a lot better than 90% of the people investing in the equity market.
There is still a role for active management for two reasons. As Grossman and Stiglitz pointed out, there can be no such thing as a perfectly informationally efficient market. If you can get to the stage where all information is perfectly disseminated and there is absolutely no alpha, then nobody will bother to try and find it. By construct of course, if nobody is actually looking for alpha, then there will be plenty there because everything will become inefficiently priced.
There is always going to be some element of active management in the market that effectively acts as a behavior driver.
The more and more passive investors become, the more rich that opportunity set should get. It moves in cycles. You get too many active managers, and if they are too active then they will squish down the alpha. If they are too many closet indexers, they won’t have any impact because they will just be closet indexing. If you then get a big move to passive funds, then ultimately that becomes a source of new alpha. I don’t think one can say any of these things are set in stone by any means.
In the past you’ve been very outspoken about flaws that you’ve perceived in certain investment products, for example risk parity. I want to ask about two investment products that have become very popular recently: smart-beta funds and liquid-alternative funds.
Smart beta is really just dumb beta plus marketing. It is taking stuff we all know -- like value, momentum, quality or profitability, whatever you want to call it -- and saying, “Oh look, these are different takes we have to worry about.”
Seriously? We’ve all known about these since Ben Graham wrote Security Analysis in 1934. It is a triumph of marketing over substance.
In essence, it is a very clever way of repackaging stuff that has been around forever, and presumably attaching higher fees, which is great if you can get away with it from a business point of view. But it is not particularly good for the average investor who is really just buying a repackaged value approach. As a value guy, I really have no problem with how you approach it. I just think we should be open and honest about what we are doing and what we are trying to do. Smart beta hides that.
Just like with anything else, there will be times when the factors contained within a smart-beta portfolio will be priced to generate returns and times they won’t. That’s what blind adherence to smart beta will lead people to forget: Ultimately, the single most important rule of investing is nothing will deliver returns unless it is priced to do so.
There will be times when value versus growth is priced in favor of value. There will be times it will be priced in favor of growth. The same is true with high and low probability. These factors are never independent of the price you pay for them. The problem with smart beta is that it lumps the stuff together and says, “Oh look, we’ve got some magic beans.” But you can’t expect returns from these beans forever. At some point you’ve got to say, “What am I paying for it? How is it priced to deliver returns?” There’ll be times when that’s absolutely great, and times when it’s lousy. The idea that you can just shut your eyes and forget about a smart-beta portfolio is probably wrong.
In terms of the illiquid-alt stuff, it does strike me as vaguely amusing. The nature of an illiquidity premium is such that it is obviously a product of the fact that people cannot transact in a market with the same liquidity with which they can in more traditional assets, like equities, bonds or cash. Therefore, to try and transform that into a liquid product is essentially fooling yourself.
The liquidity will be there when you don’t need it, and just when you do need it, it won’t be. You cannot, just simply list something as “liquid” and turn it into a liquid product. The underlying illiquid nature will still be there. You will turn an illiquid thing into a so-called liquid vehicle by listing it, and you will end up exacerbating the price movement because the underlying illiquidity will still be there. You won’t be able to get out when you want to, and therefore the price will alter to reflect that. You will increase the amplitude of the volatility around the underlying illiquid asset in that liquid space.
We’ve had a very dramatic move in the market since the beginning of 2016. Equity markets are down about 8%. Do you attach any significance to that? Is there anything you are worried about now that you weren’t worried about two weeks ago?
There’s very little that I’m worried about now that I wasn’t two weeks ago, although I am a professional worrier. That probably wouldn’t surprise anyone. Seth Klarman says productive worrying helps us sleep at night, and I am certainly someone who spends my time worrying about what we are doing in our portfolios and how we are building them.
I don’t think there has been any new information revealed in the last couple of weeks. The news has been the expected news. This goes back to something we touched on earlier. When assets are priced to perfection, any reassessment increases of that perfection leads to rapid readjustments of the future cash-flow expectations of those assets. That is what we are seeing. This feels like people waking up and going, “Oh my goodness me. Look, China is still not solved. They’re clumsy policymakers, and so is the rest of the world we are living in.” But the reality of what they are saying is, “Hell, we were just way too overconfident and this is potentially the kind of beginning of an ‘unwind’ that could generate a richer opportunity set.”
It’s perfectly possible that this will be a short-lived event. You never know. One of the lovely things about being a value investor is that I’m not required to anticipate prices, merely react to them. That is a beautiful luxury. We don’t have to spend our time trying to forecast what’s going to happen. We just come in each day value assets and ask, are these more or less attractive than they were yesterday, and therefore what do we want to do with them?
It gives you a certain freedom from worrying about the kind of price volatility side of the problem and frees you up to worry about what are more important issues around the fundamental risk you might be running. Are emerging-market stocks genuinely cheap? How much of this is an “unwind” of what has been an unsustainable move in China over the last decade or so? Those are the kind of issues one should be grappling with, but they are the same sort of issues that we were certainly grappling with throughout last year and certainly not anything new in the last couple of weeks.
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