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For many clients in their 50s and early 60s, the challenges to achieving happy and secure retirements have never been greater.
- Many took a big hit during the real estate downturn from which they haven’t recovered.
- A large number of boomers want to lead more adventurous lives in retirement than have retirees in the past. Boomers have more ambitious plans for travel and other post-retirement spending.
- Many clients in their 50s and 60s are uncertain about how soon adult children will achieve financial independence and some want to help children purchase their first home.
- In some cases, there’s lack of clarity on whether a client’s job will be there to the traditional retirement age of 65.
- People also face longer life spans with the potential for greater costs for assisted care in their final years.
- All market participants are facing greater-than-normal uncertainty for global economic growth and stock markets and painfully low returns on bonds and guaranteed investments.
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Given these challenges, three recent articles will help you when talking to clients about retirement. The first article demonstrates that spouses who have open conversations around their plans for retirement end up happier and more successful. Financial advisors can be instrumental in making these conversations happen – for most clients, their advisor is the one professional who can credibly raise this topic for discussion.