The Five Tackiest Advisor Website Photos

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Now that summer is officially over, I thought I’d start fall off with my next advisor rant. Here is my list of the five tackiest depictions of retirement. Are any of these pictures on your website?

The tackiness parade

In order of increasing tackiness, the worst offenders are:

5. Retired couple posed with toddler grandchildren

Perhaps you’ve seen this one (or something of the like): The grandmother and grandfather are seated on a park bench wearing something out of the LL Bean fall collection. On each of their laps is a toddler, sitting quietly, smiling placidly like a little angel.


These kids clearly have been sedated for this photo shoot because anyone who has young children knows that it’s impossible to get them to stay still for longer than three seconds at a time.

Reality check.

The more kids you have, the more chaotic any organized activity becomes. No amount of candy, lollipops or threatening to call Santa Claus will change the situation. You may get one kid to smile, but the other one is crying over something or trying to pull kid #1’s hair or is staring at the stuffed Mickey Mouse doll off to the left refusing to look at the camera no matter what you do. In the meantime, Grandpa gets frustrated and starts scolding them while Grandma frowns at him for losing patience.

Snap a picture of that!