The next POTUS will have his or her deal-making skills severely tested amid rising political tensions.
Making up about 17% of US GDP and affecting all, healthcare has long been a political lightning rod in US elections. Kristina Hooper, US investment strategist at Allianz Global Investors, along with Peter Lefkin, senior vice president of government and external affairs at Allianz of America, scrutinize the 2016 candidates' healthcare positions and their potential impact on the economy.
Amid a most astounding presidential campaign season, tax policy has gone virtually unnoticed. Kristina Hooper, US Investment Strategist at Allianz Global Investors, looks past the rhetoric to shed light on the candidates’ tax proposals and what a Clinton or Trump victory could mean for the US economy.
For the second time in as many debates, the US presidential candidates failed to talk about fiscal spending. Much too important to go unmentioned, Kristina Hooper, US Investment Strategist at Allianz Global Investors, presents each candidate’s fiscal platform and the potential implications for the US economy.
Lost in the analysis of last week’s first presidential debate was the brief but important mention of infrastructure. It’s actually the one thing both candidates agree on, according to Kristina Hooper, US Investment Strategist at Allianz Global Investors, who says investors would do well to take note.