In this article, I provide a basic framework for understanding and developing a lifelong plan for a person with disabilities. I’ll introduce matters as they relate to establishing a well thought out and comprehensive plan that ties together life, public benefit, and resource planning as well as financial and legal planning.
One of the hardest parts of planning for our loved ones with disabilities is getting started. It’s overwhelming. Thinking of who will care for your child when you or your partner cannot is not easy. While we realize no one will care for your child like you do, you need to plan for the day when you no longer can.
In this session, we talk about one tool that may help with some of the financial responsibilities for supporting your loved one while helping them stay qualified for means-tested benefits supplemental security income (SSI) and Medicaid. My guest will introduce the importance of planning ahead and maintaining eligibility for public benefits whether the family is wealthy or has limited means.