Although US technology equities tend to dominate the conversation about technology investing, Franklin Equity Group’s John Remmert and Don Huber believe there are many innovative international technology companies that tend to get overlooked.
As the global economy continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still opportunities for investors, says Franklin Equity Group Portfolio Manager Don Huber. He has an eye on international companies able to navigate the crisis period—particularly those in regions where recovery is happening faster.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how global consumers learn, shop, travel and work, as well as how they fulfill entertainment and health care needs. Franklin Equity Group’s John Remmert and Donald Huber share which trends they think are permanent and which are likely just a phase.
It’s easy for investors to fall into what is known as “home country bias,” looking only within their own country’s borders for opportunities. Investors may be missing the boat if they don’t expand their opportunity set beyond their shores.