Many hot trends have been turned into equity portfolios. But fads aren’t investing themes and may be flawed as standalone investments.
From stock picking to benchmark selection, the construction of an active thematic equity portfolio will play a crucial role in its ability to deliver on a theme’s return potential.
Investors should take a closer look at companies that help create a more energy-efficient ecosystem for AI.
Financial companies that help address some of the world’s most pressing socioeconomic challenges deserve attention from sustainability-focused investors.
The cost of prescription medicine is a constant strain for many Americans.
In small-cap markets, fundamental research is in short supply—and good environmental, social and governance (ESG) research is even scarcer.
How can investors gain confidence that an equity portfolio is invested in companies that are really helping to address climate risk? Focus on a company’s carbon handprint, which measures the positive impact, or carbon avoided, by using its products.
Sustainable investment funds are mushrooming. Assets under management in Morningstar’s global sustainable fund universe surged to $2.75 trillion at December 31, 2021, nearly three times the pre-pandemic level, according to Morningstar.
When the history of COVID-19 is written, the pandemic period will be seen as more than just a health and economic crisis. Both contributed to a social reckoning, with a growing focus on inequality around the world, while the intensifying global climate crisis has added new and unpredictable threats.