There is strong demand for steady income. However, most investment products and strategies fail dismally in this regard.
This article highlights the real golden goose behind retirement accounts – the immense value in not having to pay taxes on investment income and rebalancing.
Recent research shows how fixed annuities can add value in the context of retirement income. In addition to being able to guarantee income for life, tax benefits are often advertised as a key advantage of using annuities. This article discusses the mechanics of tax deferral in annuity products.
I present data and observations highlighting how dividends can protect investors from inflation and market volatility. While this is relevant to other applications, I focus on retirement income.
The primary goal of this article is to explain what makes dividends different. Dividends provide investors with a growing stream of income that is largely independent of market volatility. On balance, dividends are a powerful financial planning tool many retirement models seem to neglect.
Tail-risk hedging strategies profit from significant market corrections. They may be used alongside or to replace traditional risk management strategies (e.g., diversification via asset allocation) where the core portfolios have a significant allocation to equities or other volatile assets. This type of insurance is now priced very attractively relative to historical levels and is a cost-effective way to insure against equity drawdowns.