Minisode: The Early-Stage Megatrends that Will Drive Outsized Returns

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About This Episode

The new year brings a new set of opportunities for savvy investors who are willing to dig beneath the headlines to uncover lesser-known companies taking advantage of early-stage megatrends. I am here today with the founder of Changebridge Capital, a new company that offers two actively managed ETFs built to capitalize on those early-stage megatrends.

About Our Guest

Ross Klein is the founder, managing member and chief investment officer of Changebridge Capital Previously, he served as a Long/Short Generalist and Portfolio Manager at Boston Partners for 10 years. His coverage encompasses the entirety of the U.S. universe, giving him a broad perspective on the domestic equity market. In those 10 years, he focused on discovering short positions, and his cumulative coverage list exceeds 700 individual companies.

Show Notes

Here is a link to the Changebridge Capital web site, where you can learn more about the products that Ross discussed on this podcast. Its two actively managed ETFs are CBLS, a long-short equity ETF, and CBSE, a sustainable equity ETF.