Climate Shocks: The Unseen Drivers of Commodity Market Fluctuations in 2023-2024

Weather has always been a key factor influencing commodity prices, even though not very obvious at first glance. Agricultural yields depend on rainfall, frost can ruin crops, and hurricanes disrupt supply chains. However, recent years have seen a significant escalation in the weather's impact on commodity markets, leading to unprecedented volatility.

From droughts and wildfires to tropical storms, these extreme weather events have transformed what were once anomalies into regular disruptions. Such shifts have forced traders to reconsider traditional approaches to pricing and risk management. Below, we delve into three striking examples of weather-driven volatility in 2023-2024: orange juice, robusta coffee, and cocoa.

Orange Juice: A Perfect Storm in Brazil


In 2023, orange juice emerged as an unexpected centerpiece of market volatility. Brazil, the world’s largest orange producer, faced a combination of ruthless drought and the spread of citrus greening disease, known locally as citrus greening disease, or huanglongbing (HLB). These twin crises severely impacted orange yields, with entire orchards suffering from wilted fruit and reduced productivity.